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Nov. 7, 2021

Twin Flames: A Bad Rep

Twin Flames: A Bad Rep

In this episode Lynnessa introduces herself and explains that pivotal moment that led her to beginning a podcast. She also shares her feelings about the current reputation of twin flame journeys. This is also Lynnessa's first solo episode. Thank you...

In this episode Lynnessa introduces herself and explains that pivotal moment that led her to beginning a podcast. She also shares her feelings about the current reputation of twin flame journeys. This is also Lynnessa's first solo episode. Thank you for listening! Ways to keep up: Website/blogs podcast www.transformativesoulsignals.com Willow www.take-abreath.com Lynnessa www.getbeautifulwisdom.com Social Media IG, Facebook, YouTube andTictok @transformativesoulsignals